Sense Media Group: Autosens 2020
Hybrid event
A regular event for us, usually we provide live conference production and Talking Slides catch-up conference TV. This event happens twice a year in Brussels and Detroit.
A seamless production
When it became apparent that it wasn’t possible to hold the event in Detroit, our client approached us to explore ways in which we could take it from a physical to a virtual event. We worked together using our very own Talking Slides platform, alongside Bizzibo. The result was a stunning, seamless production with heaps of audience interaction. And live content.
The aim was to ensure that this event continued to grow year on year, even during these hard times. This was achieved and expectations were exceeded!

We recently got through an exhausting week running out first online mini-conference, I was surprised that it was in fact just as tiring as running a physical event!
We pivoted to online delivery due to COVID-19, and I said from the start that we wanted to apply the same quality benchmark for the audio-visual experience as we do for the physical events so one of my first calls was to ESW who have been our AV partner for the last 4 years.
We pre-recorded most of the presentations and ran the tutorials and panel discussions live, and while we could have tried to do this with the internal team but it was a lot less stressful and gave huge peace of mind to know that ESW were in full control and would be able to deal with any issues. We could be fully focussed on the event and our audience engagement.
I’ve heard people say that production quality doesn’t matter so much with online events, but I disagree. Having a slick, professional experience for attendees and confidence of smooth broadcast is priceless, and it was great for our speaker too that they could record their presentations with AV professionals who could advise on lighting, sound and then optimise the recording in post-production.